About Us

dog-35553_640Hi! My name is Jackie Racer-Owens. Me and my husband Rick love animals. We live in a farm with our three lovely children Annie, Wilson and Suzette. I used to live in the city with Rick but we decided that we wanted a sustainable and simple life in the country so we decided to move to country side to raise some livestock, ride horses and plant our food. Rick on the other hand, has had experience growing in a farm. His father was a firm believer in organic food and farm to table food. We both studied biology in the university. I really wanted to be a scientist at first but I realized that I had a different calling, it was to raise awareness for caring for life around us.

Having three kids and having a farm was no easy feat. Me and my kids loved animals too. We have four cats, two house dogs, five farm dogs and ten horses plus some ponies. I’m still learning all about these things. I just want to share it to other pet owners out there. Responsible pet ownership is the aim of this site.